• Thu 01
    A person is sitting cross-legged on a bed, meditating with closed eyes. The backdrop includes a patterned wall and an exposed brick wall.

Intention Setting with Shamanic Healer Patricia Beyer

Event Info

  August 21, 2024

  11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Please join Patricia Beyer, Shamanic Healer and Medium from Aurathentic, to receive 1:1 personalized, inspirational messages that will help you transition through this dynamic

Mercury retrograde in Leo encourages us to revisit how we express ourselves creatively and assertively. It's a time to reconsider how we shine in the world, how we embody confidence, and how we express our unique talents and gifts. This period
invites us to rewrite narratives about self-expression, to validate ourselves, and to radiate our inner magic boldly.

Overall, the Mercury retrograde journey from Virgo to Leo provides a comprehensive opportunity for introspection and growth. It begins with a focus on practical self-improvement and attention to detail in Virgo, then transitions into a phase of rediscovering and celebrating our individuality and creative expression in Leo. Each phase offers unique insights and challenges, ultimately aimed at personal empowerment and alignment with our True self.

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